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No.12, LianBian LianXing First Road, Helong Street, Baiyun Dist., Guangzhou, China, 510440
Usually made with bark extracts, leaves, fruit and roots,all vegetable tannins contain the aromatic, organic compound Phenol, which is required for tanning leather.
Vegetable tanning is a long and intricate process; taking more time than chrome tanning, which can be done in a day, but arguably far more worth it environmentally.
The first step in the vegetable tanning process is rehydrating hide and removing the hair.
The next step is to tan the hide. Historically this was simply done with a series of pits containing different concentrations of tannin. Today this is most commonly done with the addition of drums to speed up the penetration of the tanning. The pelts will then undergo a series of different strength tanning until the process is finished and they are dried.
Finally, the leather is finished with different oils, waxes and sealants to keep it protected.
This process is far safer than the use of chrome tannin. Chromium can be incredibly harmful to those working with it and process waste can be devastating to the environment.
High-Quality New and Customized Leather Goods Are Here!
If you’re looking for a new leather good from one of the industry’s top manufacturers, you’re in the right place.
Many of our leather goods are for customization. Take a look through our online collection and get in touch with us through the INQUIRY if you have any question!
Leather goods like HIBO bags equip modern advanced bag system to help minimize the weight when you are on the road ,having plenty of storage space in the form of specialized pockets for having small things organized, using high-quality material.